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What is Long-life Housing Certification?

System that certifies housing equipped with durability so that it can be structurally maintained for a long period of time and with outstanding variability, repair convenience and others, enabling the internal structure to be easily changed according to the needs of the occupant

Subject of certification

Apartment housing with more than 1,000 households constructed after approval of business plan pursuant to the 「Housing Act」 Article 15.

Certification procedure

인증절차는 신청인이 자체평가서 작성 후 인증신청서/인증수수료 납부 후(인증서 발부:10일이내) 인증기관에서 인증심사 후 인증심의 후 인증서(평가서)교부를 한다. 이 과정에서 인증기관은 인증심사시 인증심사단(내부)로으로 진행하며, 인증심의시 인증심의위원회(외부)로 진행한다.

Certification grade

인증등급을 안내하며, 등급, 표시, 심사점수, 비고 항목으로 구성된 표입니다.
Grade Indication Evaluation score Remark
Excellent ★★★★ More than 90 points 100 points in total
Good ★★★ More than 80 points
Reasonable ★★ More than 60 points
General More than 50 points


인센티브를 안내하며, 인증등급, 건폐율, 용적률 항목으로 구성된 표입니다.
Certification grade Building-to-land ratio Floor area ratio
Higher than Excellent Range that does not exceed 115/100 of the building-to-land ratio stipulated by the Ordinance pursuant to the “National Land Planning and Utilization Act” Article 77. Provided that it does not exceed the maximum limits of the building-to-land pursuant to the “National Land Planning and Utilization Act” Article 77. Range that does not exceed 115/100 of the floor area ratio stipulated by the Ordinance pursuant to the “National Land Planning and Utilization Act” Article 78. Provided that it does not exceed the maximum limits of the floor area ratio pursuant to the “National Land Planning and Utilization Act” Article 78

(Regulation on Housing Construction Standard etc. Article 65-2 Paragraph 5)

Inquiries on Long-life Housing Certification: 02-6287-0862 / kriea@kriea.re.kr

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