메인메뉴 바로가기 본문영역 바로가기

Provides useful architectural and urban R&D achievements

We are devoted to research with the objective of materializing architecture environment space capable of achieving physical, mental and social health for modern people who spend more than 90% of their time indoor. We will contribute to researches that would be able to satisfy well-being and wellness of building users by considering the purpose of building, scale, region, climate and the like.

Design and construction applied with universal design that can be used and accessed fairly by anyone using products, facilities, services and others, regardless of gender, age, disabilities and abilities also take up a significant part in the field of research on healthy architecture. Based on accessible design and Barrier Free design, we aim to achieve suitable size, space, information and provision of information that could be accessed and used.

Healthy Buildings consulting

  • Execution of research tasks on healthy architecture
  • Facilitation of WELL certification (Consulting)
  • Training on healthy architecture / training on WELL AP

Healthy Buildings simulation

  • Interpretation of light environment in spaces (ASE/sDA)
  • Analysis of heat environment through CFD
  • Analysis of energy in the field of architecture machinery and equipment

UD (Universal Design)

  • Execution of research tasks on Universal Design (UD)
  • Translation of UD manual for parks, passenger facilities and others
  • Study on US environment for senior citizens and the disabled

BF (Barrier Free)

  • Research on certification standard for Barrier Free living environment
  • Research on overseas BF systems and standards
  • Training and promotion of BF certification standard

Healthy Buildings seminar, symposium and forum

건강건축 세미나, 심포지엄, 포럼을 안내하며 일시, 형식, 주최·주관 제목 항목으로 구성된 표입니다.
Date Form Organized by/Hosted by Title
Sep. 2017 Seminar Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture/Arup/IWBI Global trends in WELL building
Nov. 2017 Symposium Seoul National University of Science and Technology, LH, Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture International Symposium on Health and Urban Architecture – Health and Urban Architecture
May 2018 Seminar Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture/IWBI Training Seminar on WELL Building Certification Standard
Jul. 2018 Forum Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture/IWBI 1st WELL Building Forum
Aug. 2018 Policy seminar Song Ok Ju National Assembly Member Office/ Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture Health issues in residents due to fine dust and improvement measures of legal system
Dec. 2018 Symposium Delos/IWBI Well Living Lab international symposium 2018
Mar. 2019 Symposium Ministry of Land/Ministry of Environment/Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology Green Building and Healthy Architecture
Oct. 2019 Debate Kim So Young Seoul City Council Member/ Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture Seoul City’s Debate on Improvement Measures of Park Toilets and Access Path
Nov. 2019 Symposium Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture/IWBI WELL Building Experts Symposium
미세먼지로 인한 거주자 건강문제와 법 제도 개선방안
웰빌딩 인증기준 교육 세미나
서울과학기술대학교 주택도시대학원 국제 심포지엄
웰빌딩 국제 동향과 국내 대응전략
2019웰빌딩 전문가 심화과정 심포지엄

Contact details : 02-6287-0854, 02-6287-0883 / FAX : 02-558-8124 / E-Mail : rkriea@kriea.re.kr, bfkriea@kriea.re.kr

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