Institute specializing in leading urban culture of
eco-friendly architecture, encompassing humanity,
environment and technologies
Currently, we are living with the benefits of the rich technologies gained by modern civilization in this century. But at the same time, we are also facing the worst environmental crisis due to dramatic global climate changes. It's time for us to recognize that the issue of global sustainability and green growth is not just concerns of conflict, but concerns of mutually virtuous circles. Here, issues of eco-friendly architecture/4th industrial revolution and the emergence of the carbon-neutral city refer to a green life, in which quality of life and health can be secured. In addition, these issues also mean the realization of global sustainability for the survival and prosperity of the human beings. In order to meet such needs of the times, Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture was established in April 2004 based on 40 years of accumulated academic and technical resources in the field of environmental architecture. This Research Institutes provides the core design technologies for eco-friendly city construction projects that future society requires, studies the convergence of green technology and information technology, carries out green building certification (housing performance grade), building energy efficiency certification, barrier-free (BF) living environment certification, energy conservation plan evaluation, long-life housing certification, anti-condensation performance evaluation, smart intelligent building certification, design of green smart city and eco-friendly building certification consulting, passive design, new and renewable energy technology and currently, have been focusing our energy on various fields such as health buildings, modernization of Hanok, resource-saving system housing and green remodeling design, etc. We promise to contribute to a 「Green Renaissance」 through specialized and differentiated R&D, academic promotion, design consulting and expert training, and will fulfill our social responsibilities and roles as an expert organization to lead the establishment of eco-friendly architecture and an urban culture that integrate humanity, the environment and high-tech information technology.
Korea Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Architecture
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The Company gathers personal information as below for consulting, service applications and others.■ Purpose of collecting and using personal information
The Company utilizes personal information that has been collected for the following purposes. The purpose is to attend to customers using online inquiries through the site.■ Retention and usage period of personal information
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