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Provides useful architectural and urban R&D achievements

Improvement of environment on Earth is encouraged by saving energy and by reducing carbon emission following enhanced building energy performance and construction plan in line with the national policy is encouraged.

Architecture environment performance analysis

  • Heat environment: Evaluation of building energy performance, anti-condensation performance
  • Light environment: Daylighting performance, right of light, ASE, sDA
  • Air environment: Analysis of heat island phenomenon, chimney effect, indoor and outdoor air current environment
  • Acoustical environment: Noise, vibration

Development of technology for reducing fine dust

  • Measurement of fine dust and development of software
  • Evaluation of architecture environment performance for reducing fine dust
  • Evaluation of natural ventilation
  • Evaluation of mechanical ventilation

Field of research and consulting services

Heat environment

에너지성능분석/HVAC 시뮬레이션
Energy performance analysis/HVAC simulation
열교 분석 및 결로방지성능
Heat bridge analysis and anti-condensation performance
PMV/PPD 쾌적성능 분석
PMV/PPD pleasantness performance analysis

Light environment

일조환경 분석
Daylight environment analysis
주광율/채광성능 분석
Daylight factor/Lighting performance analysis
Eaves performance evaluation/Solar radiation quantity analysis

Air environment

실내 기류 분석
Indoor air current analysis
Heat island phenomenon
바람길/외부 풍환경
Wind corridor/Outdoor wind environment

Contact details: 02-6287-0857 / FAX : 02-558-8124 / E-Mail : rkriea@kriea.re.kr

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